Backed by Y Combinator Combinator

Automate Work with Plain English

DryMerge lets you connect your apps and automate repetitive tasks in minutes.


What makes DryMerge magical?

Instant setup

Ask for what you want and automate it in seconds.

AI automation

Automations work at any hour, whether you're there or not.

Apps you love

DryMerge integrates deeply with many of the apps you already use.

One AI workspace

Chat, automation, and integration—in one place.

Automate Across Your Favorite Tools

DryMerge integrates with a wide range of popular business tools, allowing you to create powerful cross-app automations.

Slack Logo
Gmail Logo
Google Sheets Logo
Google Calendar Logo
Google Meet Logo
Google Drive Logo
Google Docs Logo
Notion Logo
Jira Logo
HubSpot Logo
Salesforce Logo
GitHub Logo
Linear Logo
SMS Logo
Microsoft Outlook Logo
Trello Logo
Airtable Logo
Discord Logo
ClickUp Logo
Google Forms Logo
Microsoft Teams Logo
Asana Logo
Zendesk Logo
WhatsApp Logo
Mailchimp Logo
WordPress Logo
Calendly Logo
Pipedrive Logo
Typeform Logo
Todoist Logo
Twitter Logo
Harvest Logo
Dropbox Logo

Get Started with DryMerge

Sign up for a free trial and start automating today.