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5 Daily Tasks You Did Not Know You Could Automate

Edward Frazer
Written by Edward Frazer

From inbox management to daily SMS updates, discover creative ways DryMerge users are automating their daily tasks

5 Daily Tasks You Did Not Know You Could Automate

At DryMerge, we get inspired by creative automation requests every day. From the most operational workflows to simple but original tasks, we’re compiling our hottest picks in this article. One would assume that all workflow automations are work-related, but often, even the smallest things can be automated.

DryMerge automates your operations by turning simple lines of text into reliable workflows. Its chat feature is powered by Chat GPT 4.0, enabling everyone to generate and tweak automation requests.

Here’s 5 things you could start automating today:

Better Inbox Management

One of our most efficient and successful workflows is inbox management. For instance, we’ve had entrepreneurs ask for investor updates and summaries that are directly sent to them via SMS so that they don’t miss out on important emails. We’ve also seen users request DryMerge to create an “Invoices” drive folder that retrieves and collects receipt attachments from their gmail accounts.

Inbox Management

Automate your invoices with simple prompts

Simpler Project Management

DryMerge offers an easier way to manage your projects across various platforms. For example, some teams request flagged outlook emails to turn into Trello cards. Others ask DryMerge to automate the generation of performance reports, burndown charts, and task summaries from platforms like Google Sheets, Trello, Jira, and Notion. This saves hours of manual work. These reports can then be sent directly to your team via Slack or email, keeping everyone on the same page and focused on project goals.

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Intuitive Productivity Reporting

We’ve seen teams set up summary reminders in team channels and groups to keep track of meetings and deadlines. DryMerge easily connects events from Google Calendar, Outlook, or Microsoft Teams directly with your task management tools, such as Jira, Asana, or Google Tasks. This ensures that every meeting or task deadline is automatically reflected across your tools, reducing the risk of missed deadlines or double-bookings.

SMS Updates

Get a daily update on your calendar events delivered to your team's Discord.

Tailored SMS Updates

DryMerge can also help you trigger daily SMS updates. We’ve seen debate team leads automate daily SMS triggers to receive the most up to date information to maximize their success rates and ensure good preparation for their debate competition. Other unique scenarios include daily Bible verse reminders.

SMS Updates

Get personalized updates delivered right to your phone

Bonus Automations

Last but not least (and our personal favorite), receiving daily fun facts to stay up to date with trends, and adding some positivity to your day. Sometimes, automating simple things can also drive impact.

Fun Facts Automation

Start your day with automated fun facts and positivity

Try DryMerge today and let us know what workflows work best for you!

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