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Schedule by DryMerge Logo

Reddit + Schedule by DryMerge

Daily Alerts for New Posts in Favorite Subreddits

Receive daily alerts for new posts in your favorite subreddits, keeping you updated on specific topics of interest without having to browse Reddit frequently. This is ideal for enthusiasts and hobbyists who want timely updates.

reddit Logo

Daily Post Summary

Triggers daily at a set time to check for new posts.

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Send Daily Alert

Sends a summary of new posts to your email.

See more Reddit to Schedule by DryMerge integrations or use AI to customize your automation.

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or pick a common variation below

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Weekly Digest of Reddit's Top Memes

Reddit + Schedule by DryMerge

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Receive Daily Reddit Post Summaries via Email

Reddit + Schedule by DryMerge

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Get Scheduled Notifications for Trending Reddit Posts

Reddit + Schedule by DryMerge


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How DryMerge works

DryMerge lets you automate work between apps with plain English. Here's how it works.

Speech bubble

Daily alerts for new posts in favorite subreddits

Ask for what you want.

Tell DryMerge what you want to automate using plain English. For example, "Daily alerts for new posts in favorite subreddits"

Connect background

Sure! Connecting

Reddit Logo + Schedule by DryMerge Logo

DryMerge figures out the details.

Based on your description, DryMerge identifies the apps involved, determines the appropriate triggers and actions, and creates the automation for you.

Reddit Logo
Schedule by DryMerge Logo

Your workflow is ready to go!

Once DryMerge has created your automation, it will run automatically whenever the trigger event occurs, saving you time and effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Supported triggers and actions

reddit Logo

New Reddit Post

Triggers when a new post is created in a specified subreddit.

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New Reddit Comment

Triggers when a new comment is made on a specified post.

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New Reddit Upvote

Triggers when a specified post or comment receives a new upvote.

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New Reddit Downvote

Triggers when a specified post or comment receives a new downvote.

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New Reddit Subreddit

Triggers when a new subreddit is created.

reddit Logo

New Reddit Message

Triggers when a new private message is received.

reddit Logo

New Reddit Mention

Triggers when a user is mentioned in a comment or post.

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Create Reddit Post

Creates a new post in a specified subreddit.

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Create Reddit Comment

Creates a new comment on a specified post.

Reddit Logo

About Reddit

Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. Monitor subreddits, post content, and engage with users to drive community engagement and brand awareness.

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Schedule by DryMerge Logo

About Schedule by DryMerge

Schedule and automate repetitive tasks and complex processes. Set up recurring automations, define triggers, and run actions on a predefined schedule.

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Get Started with DryMerge

Sign up for a free trial and start automating today.