Notify Slack Channel About New Competitors
Stay ahead of the competition by being immediately informed when a new competitor is mentioned online. This automation scans web searches for new competitors and sends notifications to a Slack channel, ensuring your team is always updated on rivals.
Competitor Mentioned
Triggers when a new competitor is mentioned online.
Notify Slack Channel
Sends a notification to your Slack channel.
See more Browse by DryMerge to Slack integrations or use AI to customize your automation.
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How to use DryMerge
Ask for what you want.
Tell DryMerge what you want to automate using plain English. For example, "Notify Slack channel about new competitors"
Notify Slack channel about new competitors
DryMerge figures out the details.
Based on your description, DryMerge identifies the apps involved, determines the appropriate triggers and actions, and creates the automation for you.
Sure! Connecting
Your workflow is ready to go!
Once DryMerge has created your automation, it will run automatically whenever the trigger event occurs, saving you time and effort.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Capabilities
See what DryMerge can do with Browse by DryMerge + Slack.
Search Internet
A block that searches the internet for more up-to-date information
Scrape Website
A block that scrapes a website and retrieves textual information from it
Calls an external API
Show Channels
Displays a list of channels
Show Users
Displays a list of users
Send Message
Sends a message
Edit Message
Edits a message
Delete Messages
Deletes multiple messages, taking a list of timestamps
Read Messages
Reads messages
React to Message
Adds an emoji reaction to a Slack message
List Reactions
Lists all reactions on a Slack message
New Slack User
Triggers when a new Slack user joins the workspace
App details
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