Sync Meeting Notes from Google Drive to Mural
Ensure your team stays informed by syncing meeting notes from Google Drive to a Mural board. Every time a new note is added, a summary note will be created in Mural, making it easy to reference key points from meetings directly in your collaborative space.
New Meeting Note
Triggers when a new meeting note is added to Google Drive.
Create Summary Note
Creates a summary note in Mural with the key points from the meeting note.
See more Google Drive to Mural integrations or use AI to customize your automation.
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How to use DryMerge
Ask for what you want.
Tell DryMerge what you want to automate using plain English. For example, "Sync meeting notes from Google Drive to Mural"
Sync meeting notes from Google Drive to Mural
DryMerge figures out the details.
Based on your description, DryMerge identifies the apps involved, determines the appropriate triggers and actions, and creates the automation for you.
Sure! Connecting
Your workflow is ready to go!
Once DryMerge has created your automation, it will run automatically whenever the trigger event occurs, saving you time and effort.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Capabilities
See what DryMerge can do with Google Drive + Mural.
Create Drive Folder
Creates a new Google Drive folder
Delete Drive Folder
Deletes an existing Google Drive folder
Read Drive Folder
Reads details of a Google Drive folder
Search Drive
Searches Google Drive
Create Google Drive File
Creates a new file in Google Drive
Move Drive File
Moves a file to a different folder in Google Drive
List Google Drive Folders
Lists folders in Google Drive, optionally within a specific parent folder
New Google Drive Document
Triggers when a new Google Drive document is created
New Google Drive Folder
Triggers when a new Google Drive folder is created
New Google Drive File
Triggers when a new file is created in Google Drive
Create Mural
Creates a new Mural
Create Sticky
Creates a new sticky note in a Mural
App details
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